Basecamp is a very open project management system when it comes to users.  Word of Life pays for a site license so we are not limited to or pay for the number of users on the platform.  With that being said, the one stipulation (when possible) is to add the user as their with a Word of Life approved address (,,, etc).  Step by step instructions are listed below to help you add members as needed.

You have the ability to add new members, even if they are not currently within Basecamp.  They don't have to be added to Basecamp by IT prior to you adding them.  To do so, open up a project you would like to add a member to and click "Add/remove people"

Next, review the list of people that are listed on the project.  If the person is in fact not there, click the green "+Invite people..." button in the upper left of the window.

This will open up a popup for you to select what type of person you want to add.  When dealing with internal staff, you will click the "Pick people to invite..." button.  On rare occasions, you may be partnering with another ministry for a project that you only want them to see certain things on so you would select the second option.

Once you have selected the permissions you would like to give them, you will be prompted with a grid to invite them to.  As you begin to type in the name field, matching names will automatically populate.  If the name is not already in Basecamp on Word of Life's account, you will be prompted to "add ....." at the bottom of the list.  Simply enter their name and email address (title and company are not required).  Once you have listed your new members to the project, simply click "Send Invitations".  If they are not currently on Basecamp, they will be invited to set up their account at that time as well.