We have enabled the Zoom Interpretation feature for Zoom.  This will allow the host to delegate interpreters for their meetings.  The participants will hear their desired primary language as well as the original language, which will be softened.

For this to work, you must do 3 things:

1) Enable the feature for your account, as the host

2) Set the meeting up through the web portal.  As of the time of publication of this Helpdesk Solution, this feature can not be turned on in the Zoom software.  NOTE: Langauage interpretation cannot be used with a PMI (Personal Meeting ID).  To enable language interpretation, choose the option Generate Automatically for the meeting ID.

3) Delegate all translators - this can be done both during the setup of the meeting or during the meeting itself.

For more information, please see the Zoom helpdesk article at https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360034919791-Language-interpretation-in-meetings-and-webinars