Please submit a helpdesk ticket with the following information:

  1. Attach a document that includes the title of the form, all the questions you would like to ask, and whether the response to the question is required.
        Form Title: BI Housing Request
    • First Name (Required)
    • Last Name (Required)
    • Email (Required)
    • Address (Required)
    • Number of Guests (Required)
    • Housing Preference – dropdown with the following options
      1. Cabin
      2. Conference Center Room
      3. RV
      4. Villa
      5. Camp Site
    • Arrival Date (required)
    • Departure Date (required)
    • Reason for Visit (required)
    • Additional Information
  2. The email(s) the form submissions should be sent to
  3. Whether or not the data should be integrated to a google spreadsheet & the emails of those who need access to the spreadsheet